Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dec. 30, 2019 Meeting

Our stated meeting is scheduled for December 30, 2019.  

Branches and Fruit 

The whole concept of Freemasonry is encapsulated in the first three degrees. Why then are there so many other degrees and orders appendant to Freemasonry? 

The odd fact remains, that even with diligent research, understanding cannot be achieved without, not only depth and breadth of study, but also persistent meditation. Remember the secrets of Nature are not to be revealed to all who search Her shrine, but only to those who are strong in faith and humble in spirit.

Not all the branches of our amazing Masonic tree draw their sustenance directly from the story of King Solomon's Temple. A rather complex intertwining of philosophical ideas.  Unfortunately the manner in which we work the degrees tends to confuse those who will not study. 

An intrepid brother having climbed our speculative tree trunk to the high degree of M.M. experiences a  fruitless search for that which was lost.  Yet he is expected to be satisfied with substituted secrets? From here everything else in our figurative tree is appendant, completely dependant upon the structure of the craft for sustenance. There is no doubt the most important degree is the E.A. and perhaps the most sublime is the M.M. even though it is part of the figurative trunk with only substitute secrets. Remember even a P.M. is merely a M.M. shackled with his substituted secrets, and burdened with greater responsibilities.

In the late 17th and early 18th centuries throughout Europe. there were many lodges working all kinds of ceremonies each lodge could adopt new ceremonies or change old ceremonies as they thought fit. The formation of the 1st G.L. in 1717 was an attempt to bring some order into the chaos. By 1813 the United Grand Lodge of England was formed, and Craft Masonry firmly established much as we now know it. During this period, other grand bodies were formed to control ceremonies much loved of many brethren but not part of the three degree system as crystallized.

Our rather complex interweaving of Masonic degrees and Orders as the warp and weft of our fabric can be reduced to two clearly defined classifications – the Universal grouping, and the Christian Dispensation.

The Universal group requires a belief in a Supreme Being, irrespective of what name or characteristic is given; incorporating all religions, creeds, and sects, a firm belief in the Brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of God the all powerful Creator, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.

The Christian group utilizes the foundation firmly laid by the Universal group and builds structures epitomizing various aspects of Christian teaching.

The A.M.D. is one example of ancient degrees coming back to life. From the beginning, the Order was kept exclusive, quite deliberately. Only recently it was realized that artificial restrictions are not in the hue teaching of the Craft. Every Freemason should be encouraged and given every facility to expand his knowledge, and understanding of our wonderful Fraternity. 

The A.M.D. adds to our understanding and strengthens our appreciation of the fraternity as a whole. The fruits of all these appendant orders and Allied Degrees cater for a wide variety of tastes. It is worth remembering that the deeper one becomes involved, the more dedicated our service and the greater the pleasure obtained.  Masons are encouraged to willfully study the precepts and perceptions offered by all of the branches of the Masonic degrees...of all the varied stripes.  

They are encouraged to be well fed by the fruit that the branches of the sturdy old tree of Freemasonry has to offer.


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